Friday, September 12, 2008

It's the end of the world as we know it

"Mom, the world is going to come to an end in 5 mins."
"Oh no, lunch isn't ready yet."

One thing that's been getting a lot of coverage on TV here is the CERN's LHC. At one point there were about 8 different stations with coverage of the first experiment. There was an actual panel discussion in Telugu, by Telugu speaking physicists explaining what the LHC is all about and the potentials dangers from it.

One network in particular was showing a countdown clock to the start of the experiment and I was drawn in like the idiot that I am. I called my mom's attention to this but she couldn't care less!

On a side note, thoughts and prayers with the good people of Texas and Houston in particular. Personally I'm glad I got out before the traffic and the hurricane hit the highways.


srujana said...

You are refering to the Big Bang experiment, right? I thought it was interesting, I was keeping a close eye on it through online. I guess they made a bigger fuss about it in India. You would have liked to be here, during this hurricane time. I heard they are getting a day-off!! I wish Austin gets a day off:(

Kalyan said...

It's a big deal in India because India invested a big deal of money and personnel into this thing.

Yeah, I'm not so crazy about being in Houston or for that matter running around the state trying to find shelter :) It's raining like crazy here too but not that bad I bet.