Aamir Khan has clearly transformed into the Kamal Hasan of Bollywood, to quote a friend of mine. He was a great actor, the pride of the industry. But now he's become very aware of his unique position and takes himself too seriously.
My problem with him is much more personal - I can't stand his ads. He does one for Tata Sky (my satellite dish provider) where he's dressed on the left side a man and on the right side a woman and he argues back and forth as both characters. Then there's one where's advertising a cellphone that has a karaoke feature (which he pronounces just as it looks, car+a+oke). He's singing to himself in this ad and then shows us that he's reading the lyrics from his cellphone. Except, he can't carry a tune. Chiranjeevi sang in a movie too, and it was a little painful, but that was more of an experiment. This is just inexcusable. In the end of the ad he says, "Stop talking. Start singing." How about you stop singing as well Aamir?
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