Monday, December 1, 2008

Paid my first internet bill

I got a huge bill. But it's not usage related, I had just forgotten
about a lot of "hidden" costs like tax and installation fees. The bill
arrived 20 days after the due date!! I would have raised a stench
about it at the office but I am not charged any late fees, so it's not
a big deal.

Sweet sweet irony - when you can't use the internet to pay the
internet bill. You can pay your landline and cellphone bills for BSNL
online, but not the internet bill because the website hasn't been set

1 comment:

Kiran said...

Oh my brotheru...this problem is not uncommon in the US. I recently shifted to AT&T DSL in the hope of saving some money and trying something new. Since getting this service, I have made about 8-10 customer service calls and finally got to know that I cannot set up an online account for viewing my DSL usage! Not just that, but I cannot pay my bill online :) Apparently this is because I dont have a AT&T home phone. I asked the Customer Service agent if he noticed the irony of it all, and he repeated one of the lines from his response sheet "I apologize for this inconvenience sir...."