You know how they censor EVERYTHING on TV here? No nudity obviously. No swearing either. And in fact they even cut out words like "gay", "homosexual", "rape" etc. Basically anything to do with sexuality is
out the window.
out the window.
So I was quite surprised when I saw they were showing "Knocked up" on TV here. "That'll be a quick 20 mins" I thought, because after taking out all the swearing, dirty words, indirect nudity etc, they'll be
left with barely anything. Surprisingly, it lasted a whole 90 mins with all the ads and everything.
For a long time I had a theory that these Indian censors could not know all the American swear words or dirty references and that sooner or later something would slip past them. And much like in the movie
where they pull the goalie and disaster happens, right after the scene where a pregnant Heigl and her "too old" sister are kicked out by the bouncer, the sister is complaining about the babysitter and says, "She's such a prissy little high-school cu**. " Except, the subtitles actually showed the C-word and while I was still picking up my jaw from the floor I was thinking, "Surely they won't let her actually SAY the word" but there it was, right out of her mouth "C***".
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