don't need to say it. But I recently lost a movie bet. Yeah, I'm
shocked too.
I was having lunch with some guys from work, the IT guys. We were just
talking about some random topics and somehow the topic of dogs came up
and someone said, "You know I saw this movie recently, with his guy
who's raised as a dog and he has a leash and there's this black guy
too." And I immediately knew what movie they were talking about.
I asked him, "Are you talking about Jet Li?"
"And Morgan Freeman?"
"Yes, that's the guy."
"Yeah, the name of the movie is 'Unleashed'."
"No dude, it's called Danny something ... got it, it's 'Danny the Dog'."
"That's ridiculous, Danny the Dog sounds like a Disney movie. I'm sure
it's Unleashed."
"Wanna bet?"
"Sure, how about pizza and coke."
We went to check Wikipedia (since IMDB is blocked at work) and I was
shocked to learn that the movie I've known all this while as
Unleashed, was released as Danny the Dog in India (and maybe some
other Asian countries). That's bizzare! As I looked up more stuff, I
realized that this is a very common concept. For eg, "Fast and
Furious" was released as "The Fast and The Furious: Part 4". One of
the movies in the Species series (part 3 I think) was released as
"Species Unleashed", so I guess there is no ban on the word
"Unleashed" itself. Of course, there's the famous story of how "From
Russia with Love" was released as "From Bond with Love" since India
didn't want to piss off USA and UK by giving them the wrong idea. (I
don't know where to begin correcting the flaws in THAT logic.) All of
this dual name business is throwing me off my game. Not cool.
(Regarding the bet itself, I explained that both of us were right, but
the guy insisted that I was wrong since I bet that the "movie's name
is NOT Danny the Dog". I didn't mind paying up since it wasn't a big
deal but I got mad when the guy asked me to pay for a big pizza order,
including two cokes and breadsticks that he ordered. He was trying to
treat his entire team to pizza at my expense. I refused to pay up and
told him that what he was doing wasn't fair. He kept insisting that it
was a normal pizza order, but I stuck to my ground. Not a great start
to a relationship but while this won't make me his best friend, I just
hope he doesn't screw me over on IT work!)
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