Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Back from Manali, a flood of posts coming up

I was going to start posting about the trip itself but turns out I
still haven't recovered from it. I slept poorly for three straight
days and exhausted myself in between. What a fun trip!

Take Himachal Pradesh off the list of states to visit in India and put
it up there in my top three favorite states/union territories! (In
case you're wondering, the top three is Andhra Pradesh for purely
biased reasons, Himachal Pradesh and Goa.) I don't just mean that the
state is beautiful, which it is. The people are rather nice too. Small
sample space of just two days and all that, sure, but unless I meet
some bad characters in HP in the future, that state will have a high
ranking for me.

So yeah, I apologize for the gap in posting, posts and photos coming up.

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