Tuesday, August 25, 2009

An awesome wedding

It was a heck of a trip. I still remember on an hour-to-hour basis exactly what I did for about 10 straight days because they were so tightly scheduled. It was a nice wedding though. There are a few things that need mentioning -
  1. All of my cousins showed up. It was the first meeting of all of us cousins from my mom's side. I thought we met when the youngest of the cousins was born but that wasn't quite true. Now, after about 15 years after the youngest was born, we met, eight of us. From my dad's side too almost all of my cousins showed up. Only one went missing and that was because she was 9 months pregnant. I was very thrilled to see them all, some of whom I hadn't met for about 10 years.
  2. Representing all chapters. This one was even more thrilling. I had friends representing all chapters of my life show up. I had a classmate from my school (1st class - 10th class), two friends from my Inter days (2 years), one from my IIT days (four years), one from my early MS days in the US (3 years), one from the later PhD days (6 years) and one from my job in Pune. (One in particular flew all the way from the US just for the wedding!) Among relatively minor "phases", I also had a rep from my HSC days. I could say that the only chapters of my life not represented there were the pre-school days and my current Chandigarh folks.
  3. Slept in a different bed 9 out of 10 days in a row. The sequence of beds I slept in starting from the night of the 7th is as follows - home, wedding hall, home, her uncle's place, train, different train, home, home, Delhi, Mauritius. BTW, "sleep" is loosely defined here. On none of those nights did I have a full night's sleep, with three of those nights going for less than three hours of sleep.
  4. Relatively uneventful. It's not so much that things didn't go wrong, it was that a lot of mishaps were "self-goals" - like stupid things the groom's side did that affected the groom's side. So there was very little scope for complaining, which is usually worse than the mishap itself.
Overall, I was as thrilled as I could be with the end product. For better or for worse, there were other things on my mind while the wedding was going on, so I managed to keep my calm instead of yelling at people like I normally do during these types of events. Like I said, for better or for worse.

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