Saturday, January 9, 2010

One weird call!

I got a call from a local number today. When I picked up, it was from my bank. "Sir, I am from XXXXXX bank. You have an account with us, don't you? Well, is everything alright? I sit at the cash desk and I wanted to check that everything was alright, and to ask if you had any issues with our service." I was impressed and told her that I was quite happy with the service and I thanked her for checking. Then she said that since I was happy with the service, if I could recommend any new customers. I said that I would try.

Then she said, "Sir, then could you do us a favor? What is your average balance in your account. Basically at the end of each month, we need more money in the bank. Could you please deposit more money in the bank at the end of each month?" I was shocked at this request. I said, "No." "No? Why not?" she asked. Though I should have hung up at that point I decided to be polite and explained to her that I couldn't deposit more money at the end of each month because I get paid only once a month. "Sir we need more funds in the bank at the end of each month. So could you please consider putting in money?"

After I hung up I began to get extremely worried. This isn't some podunk small bank. But at the same time, I don't want to suddenly find out that I can't withdraw my money in an emergency. I am seriously worried.

1 comment:

aa said...

dang, u should get it checked..