Monday, February 8, 2010

A great wife

Everyone should be so lucky as me.

On a day that is already quite forgettable, I have to thank my wife for doing her part to try and make it better. The SuperBowl was going on and I woke up at 5am to watch it. And by watch of course I mean that I just follow the game on ESPN's gamecast. It's quite good. With that and the commentary from a few sports blogs I usually have a good idea of what's going on on the field. But my wife couldn't "take anymore of (me) sitting in front of a computer hitting refresh". So she set up her webcam and pointed it at the TV. And she HATES setting up the webcam :)

Of course, the bandwidth limitations at my end prevented me from enjoying the game too much but I did get to catch a few glimpses of the game. Later I had to ask her to turn it off and just put the audio on. So I got to enjoy the play-by-play as it was happening, the closest to watching a live NFL game as I ever got this season. We shall not speak of the game itself or the aftermath. Like I said, this day is quite forgettable. But yeah, I will always remember the early part of the day.

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