Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Coming to terms

"Always leave yourself an out" - Rounders

Well I ran out of my outs sometime in the middle of July 2008. You know those scenes in scary movies when someone walks gingerly into a creepy room and suddenly the door behind them slams shut, and soon all the windows and other doors slam shut too? And the person stares blankly for a while? That was me for a whole week. And then, in the midst of having a fight, I said some words which were repeated back to me - "I know that in 20 years this is not going to make a difference but ..." Well, the rest is not important. As long as I know that this is temporary, it doesn't matter much. So I very begrudgingly came to terms with the fact that I'll be moving to Pune for an year.

As I write this, the balance has shifted from "bad things about this trip" to "good things about this trip". I fully intend to enjoy this trip and hope to come back a better person.

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