Monday, November 2, 2009

The wordless transaction

A few days ago I went shopping for a cable for my mp3 player. While walking around the strip mall, I got to pull off something that had been stewing in my devious mind for a while - the wordless transaction.

Let me set the scene. It was around 7:15pm on Saturday of a SaSuMo weekend. The strip mall was lightly populated with customers. I was thirsty and saw a small restaurant. This was one of those joints that is big enough to merit a place in a strip mall like this but still dinky enough that its doors were open and it had no air-conditioning. These places usually have a glass-door refrigerator with cool drinks in them. I walked into the place, went to the fridge, pulled out a drink,  walked up to the counter and placed it there. Then I pulled out a Rs. 50 note from my pocket and handed it to the cashier. He simply gave me Rs. 30 back. Not a word was exchanged. None of the - "Hello sir" "How may I help you?" "Will that be all sir?" that you're bound to get in, say, an American store.

I loved the whole process and I want to see how many more times I can do this while I'm here. Meanwhile, if any of you have ever had a wordless or, even better, a gestureless transaction, I'd love to hear of it.

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