Sunday, March 29, 2009

An efficient solution?

I was wondering what to do with my vehicle after my move out of Pune. A stupid rule in this country states that you need to register your vehicle in whatever state you're driving it in. So, for my scooter that cost me Rs. 38,000 to buy, it'll cost me Rs. 8000 to register in whatever state I take it to. And that affects my options when it comes to selling the scooter. I was talking about all this with a colleague here and she was rather disappointed that I was considering selling my scooter. I explained that it would cost me too much to keep it.

Then she gave me a rather interesting solution - don't register the vehicle in the new state. Well, I said, I'll get pulled over by cops who'll see my license plate. OK, she replied, pay them off, Rs. 100 each time. Even if you get pulled over 10 times in the remaining 4 months or so, you are out only Rs. 800, only a tenth of what you'd pay for registration.

Wow. That short conversation gave me a valuable insight into a lot of interesting topics and in particular about the way people in this country think and act. And I am willing to bet anything that this type of thinking isn't restricted only to this country.

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