Sunday, February 1, 2009

Way to stand up for yourselves

The self-appointed Indian morality police struck again. This time (last week of Jan or so) in Mangalore. In a disgusting display of misplaced machismo, a bunch of thugs beat up some innocent women in a pub. Good job guys! And one day when we come face-to-face with the Taliban and they say, "What's so wrong about what we do?" I'll let you answer them.

Of course, what's even more disgusting is that the National Commission for Women - an organization that describes itself as "the apex national level organization of India with the mandate of protecting and promoting the interests of women" after their investigation, chose to blame the women instead. Bravo! An even better job than the "men" who beat these women up. Now we can all rest easy knowing that the women brought it upon themselves. For an encore you can probably drop by the rape shelter, the orphanages and the cancer wards in hospitals and tell them that they only have themselves to blame for their misery.

And you wonder why I don't respect the feminist movement.

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