Sunday, February 21, 2010

The last weekend in Chandigarh

I was very happy that my last weekend in Chandigarh ended up being very "typical". I didn't just sit at home, or even do a whole lot of packing activities. Instead I did a lot of fun activities. Saturday morning I got ready very early. So I decided to have breakfast at the temple. There is only one time that this dhaba near the temple serves that I enjoy - samosa channa/samosa chat - but this place makes it better than any other place in Chandigarh. So I had my breakfast there and for good measure decided to visit the temple too. Normally this temple gets very busy during the weekends but that day I just walked right upto the deity. I even sat in the temple under the Sun and read my book for an hour. In the afternoon I took a bus to the main city and walked up to the rose garden. Unlike the last time I visited this place, the roses were in full bloom now and so were the couples! This is one area where Chandigarh scores over Pune - there are many more parks per capita here for couples to hang out together, or even for children to play.

That evening I was invited by my lunch lady to what I was told would be a "holi with flowers" but turned out to be a bhajan. And what was worse, she wanted me there only to shoot videos. Even so I didn't mind but my camera batteries were low. So I asked her to buy me some batteries which I'd pay her back for - she said she couldn't. So screw her, I shot barely a couple of minutes before my camera died, and I took off soon after! Then I got home, freshened up and went out for dinner and a movie with my team and our boss. Dinner was good. We watched "My name is Khan" which I really enjoyed much to my surprise.

On Sunday I went to the Rajasthani mela that was going on in the city. That was fun. The food in particular was very interesting. There was a dosa-type dish called chilla. The jalebis was fantastic - thin, and slightly chewy. Like I said, I was glad I got to do all these things before leaving.

1 comment:

Kiran said...

dosa like dish ? More like "pesarattu" like dish right ?