Friday, January 16, 2009

A case of the blues

Dunno why but today I was feeling very blue. Started in the middle of the day during a conversation with a friend. Got worse as I was later talking to a colleague. She was narrating some stuff about her family and it wasn't even sad stuff per se but I just got even more depressed. I started driving home listening to songs on my MP3 player (which, btw, can now play videos!). I don't even notice what song it's playing for 10 mins and then I realized it was playing "Dust in the wind" by Kansas! Normally I love that song, and after watching "Old School" I even think it's kinda funny. But today, it made me even more melancholic. Thing is, there's a list of people I used to be able to call when I got into a funk, but all those people are halfway across the world now. "Damn it" I thought, "I won't be down. The next song that plays on my shuffle is going to be fun, and I'm going to snap out of it."

The next song that played was "Ain't no sunshine when she's gone"!

I was so startled by the irony of the situation that I burst out laughing. That cured me in a hurry!

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