Friday, May 15, 2009

Food over here

Recently some idiot wrote a blog post about how the food in Pune was subpar and he was glad to be leaving Pune. Well, shoot him if you see him, will you? I'd switch the food over here with Pune food in about 0.002 seconds. Before you wonder, no, the food here isn't bad. It's very tasty, infact, it's the type of food I used to crave when I was young. As a S. Indian, going out to eat N. Indian food was a special treat. So I could never get enough of it when I was younger. But eating it daily? It's terrible. It's like only having Pizza to eat, morning, noon and night. And I'm not even talking about how unhealthy all this oily food is.

The lucky break was in finding a tiffin box delivery guy. It's pretty cheap and he makes his food with considerably less oil than the restaurants - which is still 10 times the oil I used to cook with. But even his breakfast is hard to eat - he delivers two alu parathas which are very tasty, but way too oily to eat first thing in the morning. I had him stop delivering it, expecting to eat my own breakfast every morning. Problem is that the restaurants here don't open till 9:30am - even the ones that claim to serve breakfast! Who eats breakfast at 9:30am on a weekday??? So now I've been starving each morning and that has given me major stomach aches all week long.

So now I am trying some bread/jam/PBJ for breakfast (yeah, you can get PBJ here, but no sambar!) but I dunno how long that'll last without a fridge. I never thought I'd say this but I really miss Pune food. :(


Kiran said...

When you return to US and start having protein shakes, cereals and tasteless home cooked food, will you look at this post entry and slap yourself ?

Kalyan said...

Maybe. But most probably not. You see, in the US, I can get any type of food I want, particularly if I have a car and live in a decent-sized city. And like I said, it's like eating pizza every meal. No one can do it, and even though once you go to a land of no pizza you'll miss the pizza, you won't wish you could go back to eating pizza every meal.