Friday, May 1, 2009

One of the coolest places in Chandigarh

The American who's visiting our office for two weeks, ostensibly to train us, is leaving this weekend. So we all went out for a farewell dinner. Our boss, who's been in Chandigarh a few times before, took us to the Taj in Chandigarh. Hidden inside there is a bar that is decorated in weird 70's psychedelic style. All the furniture was curvy and rather uncomfortable to sit it. But I bet if you got drunk or got high it would be really fun to watch all the furniture. I even remarked out loud that all that was missing was a lava lamp, and I noticed right after that, behind the bar, they had about forty lava lamps!

It was a fun evening, sharing stories about hunting, sports, cricket, movies, books. It's a good group at work, except for our manager who's such a weirdo that he'd probably have ruined the evening if he'd shown up. So I was glad when he didn't. At one point my Kolkuta colleague asked everyone what animal we'd want to be born as in our next life. I picked Eagle. Our American colleague said, "I think I'd love to come back as a woman." That cracked me up.

After that we ate at the Chinese restaurant in the hotel and that was good too. Decent food. My veggie dish was rather inexpensive but the other three were craving sea food and couldn't resist the prawns and what not. I think our bill came to about Rs. 7000. Cha ching! It was a fun night.

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