Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Thai restaurant in Pune

After seriously craving some Thai food, I managed to find one in Koregaon Park yesterday, courtesy of some new people in met in the city. Koregaon Park is a really cool part of Pune. Very rich and flush with interesting restaurants, and from what I hear, lounges and bars. I got to see a lot of White people and "posh" Indians. I couldn't tell if they were NRIs, kids of NRIs who were visiting India or just wannabes. (Speaking of which, I actually got to see some "gangsta"-style Indian kids at the mall, complete with pants hanging below their bottoms and spiked hair etc. Wow!)

I suppose I was craving food exactly like Thai Kitchen in Austin but I was a little disappointed. Especially by the Thai Iced Tea. It has a hint of lemon in it, which I did not care for at all. We also got veggie dumplings (not great) and I got a Burmese noodle dish which was actually quite interesting. I would go there again, but with lowered expectations. Apparently there's a Native American-themed lounge in that area as well. Should be fun to see the Indian interpretation of the American Indians.

Their menu was very interesting in its design. The restaurant isn't just a Thai restaurant, they serve food from all of South-East Asia. So the left side of the menu reads like a travel guide, and actually more like a travel diary, with pictures, details of local shopping etc, and the right side is the actual menu. Reminded me of a menu I saw in a restaurant in Hyderabad a long time ago which was printed in the style of those ancient Indian texts and I loved it so much I asked the waiter to give me one of the menus to take home. He looked at me like I was weird but he gave it to me anyway. I guess I've gotten too old to pull off behavior like that anymore or I'd have asked for a copy of this menu as well.

I think I'm close to receiving visitors in Pune, now that I know a few restaurants to show as well as the touristy spots I've been to.

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