Sunday, October 26, 2008

Daily thoughts

  • Winter is here. I wore a jacket today since my shirt is a nice shirt and I didn't want it to get dirty. But it ended up being more than cosmetic. Mom always used to say that Diwali was the trigger for winter and bang on target it's here. Diwali should also be the trigger for good seetaphals, so yeah, I'm excited about that.
  • As I listen to my radio each day, I realize that I have gotten addicted to Akshay Kumar's songs. Every morning I listen to the title tracks from either "Singh is King" or "Bhool Bhulaiya" and it totally pumps me up. You can't fight the Kumar man!
  • The highway leading to my home is being upgraded. The road is being repaired at a rapid pace. At first I thought I wouldn't be there by the time it's done, but at this rate I should be enjoying this smooth road as early as December. Very exciting.
  • As I washed my coloreds during the weekend, the water that I pre-soaked them in was so muddy it scared me. Is this what I'm subjecting my dear clothes to?
  • The water heater in my apt has been fixed but the power cuts make it useless. And the power situation is this bad during winter, I hate to think what would happen during the summer. Atleast we've been guaranteed power during Diwali, so that's a nice silver lining.

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