Monday, November 3, 2008

The fruits - yummm

One thing I knew before coming here was that I'd be eating a lot more fruit and drink a lot more fruit juice. Atleast, I hoped that would be the way. I'm happy to say it's come true.

Coconut water might not be classified as fruit juice but it's the best. There's a stand on my way home and I try to have atleast 3 every week. And right next to it is an lemon juice stand. They add a certain spice after getting the juice out that gives it a different kind of kick. It's delicious. I even had sugarcane juice once but it's relatively rare. I have to go into the city to find that.

As for the fruits, there's the seetaphal that I'm still waiting for to hit its peak - cheap but great tasting ones. There's a stand near work where the guy sells pineapple slices for a rupee each. Sliced not too thin or thick, and seasoned with a mixture of salt and some sort of chaat masala, these taste great. Then there's the guava, again, cut into quaters and seasoned. I buy three bananas every few days and have one every morning for breakfast. Why three? Because they sell them by the dozen (Rs. 20) and if I buy any more than three they'll go bad by the time I finish them. When I pass by fruit stalls these days, I'm beginning to notice the papayas. They look so red and ripe! I might start buying those too. Except, since I don't have a fridge, I might have to eat them in one sitting. No complaints from me.

Best of all? Mango season hasn't started yet. Am I going to give myself a stomachache by jumping on the Mango bandwagon before it even hits its peak? YESSSSS!

1 comment:

Kiran said...

That does sound yummy! And it makes the fruit stand near Lake Michigan, Chicago sound pale in comparison. Oh well, I am happy eating watermelons with chat masala on them for now. I will miss mangoes though!