Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Pune shocks me again

The lemon juice near my place. Every evening as I get home I try to get either coconut water or a glass of lemon juice. The juice vendors - lemon, sugarcane etc - try to up their profit margin by adding ice to the juice one way or another. Either crushed ice to fill up the glass, or ice being left to melt in the juice receptacle which dilutes the juice. This is an acceptable level of theft which I don't normally make a big deal about. But last night the juice tasted really watery. I got pissed off and start yelling at the vendor. Even before I could finish my rant, the guy simply says, "Shall I make a fresh glass for you?" That I was not expecting. I felt bad immediately and tried to wave him off but he just took the glass out of my hand and poured the juice out and squeezed me a fresh glass. Like I mentioned before, this is hardly the first time a vendor behaved in an honest manner when he could easily have been a bastard about the whole thing. I hate to say this, but I don't think the situation would have been that smooth in Hyderabad. Pune, my biggest compliment to you yet, your citizens are better humans than Hyderabadis.

I'll even go one step further. I keep hearing comments on how Pune autos are atrocious and tend to fleece you. Well, I would take the worst auto driver in Pune and rather pay him to run his auto over me than pay a Chennai auto driver to transport me. I think of some terrorists whose lives I'd save before I saved the life of a Chennai auto driver. So, yes, no matter how bad people might think auto drivers in Pune are, they're all saints compared to their counterparts in Chennai.

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