Friday, November 21, 2008

So this is where the weirdos are hiding - Austin in Pune

I'm sitting at this place called "German Bakery" in Pune right now.
I'm logged wdith my laptop and my USB card. I just uploaded this
picture from my phone using the bluetooth connection on my laptop. I'm
feeling really geeky right now.

I'm also feeling terribly nostalgic for Austin. This place is full of
hippies. I don't see any ashtrays or hookahs otherwise I'd assume
they're all stoned from their body language. About half of them were
non-desi (the population turned more brown in the next hour as I
stayed here). We had White, Asian folks mingling with browns. (There's
a Buddhist store right next door.) The bakery itself sells a variety
of food and drinks. There are pastries of course, omelets, salads.
Fruit juices, a bunch of exotic coffees. I just had a couple of White
chicks walk in looking very Austiny. One of them sat at the table next
to me and kissed the brown guy with the long hair on both his cheeks.
Very chaste, so definitely NOT his girfriend. And started talking some
philosophy immediately, I kept hearing the word "love" like, "This is
what love is, you love everyone. Universal love". There was a White
guy who was talking in perfect Hindi. I could go on, but you get the

And to think, I found this place by accident. It's Friday evening and
I decided I was going to find a Coffee Day and park myself there till
I felt hungry and then went in search of the closest Subway. Instead I
walked into this place by accident.

I'm so thrilled right now.

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